Jun Fan Gung Fu / JKD & Wing Chun
Combat Submission Wrestling
CS Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Filipino Kali-Silat
Muay Thai
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Little Leaders JKD
Thai Boxing - Grappling
*Limited Class Sizes*
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Upcoming Seminars:
Prof Alan Baker - July 13, 2024 Prof Erik Paulson - Oct. 26, 2024
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 Come explore the various disciplines we offer in a welcoming, safe environment where you can have fun, get in shape, and take charge of your own personal safety.

We are currently offering Civilian Tactical classes, which teach students situational awareness, how to handle altercations in a vehicle, anti-grappling and bridge the gap between self-defense and the martial arts. We also offer Filipino Martial arts, which can expand your awareness in use everyday objects as weapons, increase contact reflex and hand speed. Thai Boxing is an excellent art for striking and conditioning, Wing Chun for sensitivity, with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Combat Submission Wrestling for grappling / ground work.

Text us at (941)-320-9809 or email us at martinacademy12@gmail.com to get started!

Meet our Instructors

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May 31, 2025 Sifu Francis Fong

Martin Academy
2025 hasn’t slowed down in throwing chaos out to everyone which means I have to change me instead of waiting for life and situations to calm down for me. Learning to be calm in chaos is a challenge for everyone, saying “yes” to too many things and not enough “no” to things that only bring more chaos. This is something I’m working on more now and as you get older you find your priorities of better physical and mental health must be at the top of the list. Having friends to help us continue on that path is, at time, needed.
When I walk on the floor to train or teach the rest of the world goes by and the daily “to dos” that can overload us are not on my mind for that amount of time. After training I feel like I can get up and do it all again the next day. It quiets the chatter in your head that sometimes tells you to “give in, it’s too much to do or carry anymore.” Especially as you age, what was once done with no effort becomes a challenge in your 60/s and 70s. But it’s important to keep the mind and body moving / learning new things.
Martin Academy is thankful to still be doing what we all love and enjoy. We are  the “Happy Place” where others go to deal with whatever is going on in their life. For a few hours a week students come in and let the rest of the world go by and because of that, are able to stay focused on what’s going on around them. The added benefit is they slowly learn the mental and physical skills  of personal safety and self defense. Our instructors continue to educate ourselves so that they can bring the best to you. We offer extra training at the academy by bringing top instructors from various industries to accelerate everyone’s training.
Our kids programs are a mixture of the arts we teach and age appropriate. Many schools can teach only one area of the martial arts. Kids get a well rounded curriculum, then at 14 can focus on a particular path in the adult programs if they choose. Values and earning the rank are more important getting a trophy / rank because I showed up and my feelings will be hurt. It is my belief that we need to gradually teach our children how to function without us because whether you like it or not, there will come a day that they have to. All instructors / assistants have been with us for years.

We are blessed to be affiliated with some of the top organizations and people in the industry. The martial arts industry is not regulated so anyone who’s take a few lessons, weekend course or trained but didn’t get certified can open a place and the public will never know. It is wise to ask, check out the information and go visit the location you are thinking of training at. That comment comes from experience, there’s nothing worse than joining a place and finding out the instructors have big character flaws or it’s not what you thought. Calling to just get a price without going in doesn’t give me enough info on what the place is like.

M.A.M.A. has been open in this location since 2006 and we’ve had a few changes from time to time. One thing that hasn’t changed is that we can assist any of you with martial arts training or  personal safety,  through consultations, privates, or semi-privates, you may leave a message at 941-342-9944, text 941-320-9809 or email us at: martinacademy12@gmail.com to go to the next step.                        Stay Safe and healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

After the initial contact, you will receive a form to fill out. The next step is to  set up a consultation session with either Sifu LaVonne, or Coach Ted,
Prospects will receive all information on our policies – procedures,  tuition, schedule and any concerns they might have. It’s always a good idea to take the time, to go to a place you may be spending a considerable amount of time in, whether it’s a school, university, day care, church or martial arts.

The Little Leaders program is ages 5 to 8.
Upon turning 8 children will go to the Jr Leaders JKD Program which 8 to 13.
Ages 13 to 16 Sifu LaVonne and parents will decide if the teen is ready for adult classes .

Kids who are 15 or 16 can go into the Adult programs with permission of parents and Sifu LaVonne.
Adults are ages in classes are  from 16 to 76.

Little Leaders JKD class is usually around 12 to 15 students. We create  a waiting list or have extra helpers at that point.
Jr Leaders have around 25 kids in the class with assistants, then we create a waiting list.

We all have different bodies and if your body won’t or can’t do something we modify whatever it is to see how it can work for you. There are some things I’ll never do again that I did when I was 20 but it’s helpful to learn about the particular technique or action so that I can recognize it before it happens to me. Sometimes if we work at something for a short time and be gentle, our bodies will give it to us. It’s because we haven’t used that particular area in a few moons or have had an injury. Then sometimes we just have to learn to adapt to where we are at the various stages of life. Guro / Sifu Inosanto said to me in my Twenties, “LaVonne, you need to adjust your training every 5 years to fit your body.” At that time I had no idea what he was talking about, until my late thirties and forties.  

You do what you can and keep moving forward at your pace. Do not let your ego push you beyond what you can do. We don’t know your body, you must speak up and not worry what YOU think others will think. They are too busy working on their own things. If you are better 6 or 9 months after joining the academy then I feel you are making progress.

As a martial artist and school owner I’m here to compete with myself, being better than than I was yesterday, not the person who’s standing next to me and 30 years younger. Try to remember Guro Inosanto started Thai Boxing in his forties and BJJ in his fifties. I never want the learning to stop, but the pace changes with age. Just keep moving.

– Self Defense Oriented 
– Effective, Proven Martial Arts Systems in all phases of combat
– Clean and Friendly Environment 
– Accredited Nationally Certified Instructors
Emphasis on Safe Empowering Environment
We focus on training intelligently to promote longevity in the arts. 
We  offers such an array of arts that has the  potential to give the student an answer to the different areas of combat.

No one art or system has a monopoly on combat and not all systems fit each individual.  All systems are flawed because man is flawed therefore training in an encouraging and challenging environment is instrumental in development.  

Verbal altercation in the parking lot — what do you say?  how do you stand? …

Someone tries to pull you out of your car — what do you do?  how do you respond?…

Physical altercation and now you’re on the ground —- know how to get back up safely? How do you get person off you?…

Oh no, they have a weapon and they are on top of me?  ( stick, knife, etc…) — now how do I survive? ..

The scenarios are endless.  

The goal remains the same how to protect and defend myself and my loved ones while being a positive member of society.  All of these things plus getting in shape too. Come watch or try a class and see for yourself why we are different.

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